Shopping with the Virgin Mary is a collection of vignettes, not only about shopping, (even though shopping experiences are sprinkled throughout) but the author’s growing relationship, knowledge, and understanding of Mary. Her relationship with the Virgin started off, embarrassingly, in the most benign and superficial of ways. She asked Mary to go shopping with and from that one simple request, came a slow and joyful journey.
“This is one of those books that you don’t want to put down because it’s so good. And at the same time you dread finishing it because I miss the new little story every night. A very comforting book.” –JS, Amazon Review
“I LOVE this book!!! I laughed. I cried. I felt the Divine. I learned so much about myself and the Virgin Mary. A quick, easy read with insights galore.” – Amazon Customer Review
“Great book. One minute I’m grinning and laughing out loud, next minute my eyes are welling up with tears. Fabulous read, hope there’s a sequel. Kermie rocks!” – Amazon Customer Review
“What a fantastic find! Great book, phenomenal writing. I feel closer to Mary already. Thank you!” – Kat Priem – Amazon Review
How to Talk and Actually Listen to Your Guardian Angel
How to Talk and Actually Listen to Your Guardian Angel is based on the popular workshop of the same name, Dr. Wohlenhaus teaches nationally. This book is successful in blending Dr. Wohlenhaus’ knowledge as an angelologist, humor, and practical, encouraging approach sprinkled with interesting examples from her workshops.
By the time the reader is finished reading this short, and enlightening book, they will be having a profound conversation with their Guardian Angel! The book includes basic information regarding angels and spirit guides, how they help with our soul mission and simple, step-by-step exercises to open the reader’s subtle, psychic senses to accurately communicate with their Guardian Angel.
“Kermie Wohlenhaus opens our hearts and minds to the glory of the angelic realm. She is a channel of the highest and best for all humanity. I love her books, her vision of Divine grace and the warmth and intelligence she brings to helping raise up our spirit.” —Ambika Wauters, author of The Angel Oracle, The Healing Power of Angels and The Homeopathy Bible
“Dr. Wohlenhaus has given us an explicit, easy-to-follow handbook on how to recognize and communicate with our Guardian Angels. People who’d like to rev up their spiritual engines would be wise to begin here.” —Virginia Ramey Mollenkott, Ph.D., author of Omnigender and Sensuous Spirituality
“This book not only gave me new information about our mission here in this lifetime, I was able to understand just exactly how I can converse with my guardian angels, which gave me great comfort and inspiration. While playing the CD Dance of the Angels to an ADD client, we both felt deep peace and bliss. This set is a blessing for all of us.” —Melissa C. Reardon, author of Marketing Your Creative Work
Mary’s Simple Graces
Mary’s Simple Graces includes powerful and humble messages from the Virgin Mary to assist in our daily lives. This book can be opened to any page or read from front to back.
Either way, Mary will direct you to just the right grace that will hep you this day. They are compelling spiritual messages from Mary for renewing hope, healing and joy.
“This book is a wonderful read and is also very inspiring! Not coincidentally, every time I open it, it opens to the right prayer, to the right simple grace, needed for the moment! – Inspired, Amazon Review
Four Reference Guides Compiled and Annotated
by Kermie Wohlenhaus, Ph.D.
“These are amazing references to easily find angel passages throughout these Sacred Texts”
The Complete Reference to Angels in the Bible is the first book in a series titled Angels in Sacred Texts. The author categorizes angelic verses beginning with the Angelic Hierarchy by Pseudo-Dionysius of the 6th century, which we use to this day. These choirs and orders of this Angelic Hierarchy are: Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions, Powers, Principalities, Archangels and Angels. It also includes the complete Angelic verses in the Old and New Testament, Angels in the Life of Jesus, Jesus’s Teachings Regarding the Angels, Angels in the Acts of the Apostles, Paul’s Letters and General Letters ending with the Angels in the Book of Revelation. Each verse is titled and the angel reference underlined by the author for easy access and recognition. The angel verses are given in their entirety.
Thisfast, easy guide to angels in the Bible categorizes, lists and titles each angelic verse for use as a companion booklet to Biblical study. This reference guide is used best with the King James Version or New King James Version of the Bible.
The Complete Reference to Angels in the Koran (Qur’an)
This compilation of over 109 angelic verses in the Koran in their entirety also includes references to Angels mentioned by name and are known by their duties in fulfilling Divine Will. For simplicity, this reference is categorized starting with Angels, Gabriel, Gabriel as Spirit, Michael, the angels Harmut and Marut and followed by Messengers. Angel reference or implied references are underlined for easy identification within the text.
The Complete Reference to Angels in the Book of Mormon
Print book $15, ebook $6.99
Available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Nook & iBooks
This book offers over seventy-four verses from the Book of Mormon regarding angels. Included within these divinely inspired scriptures are angel references which highlight the duties, appearance, functions and messages of the angels. A valuable resource to the field of Angelology, the study of angels.
Many of the books by Kermie Wohlenhaus are available as ibooks on itunes. CLICK HEREto open itunes
How to Talk and Actually Listen to Your Guardian Angelis now available in Spanish, French, Dutch and German!
For purchase information go to
Zines by Kermie
“They are so clever and funny – I keep them on my desk and my co-workers love them.” – Alexandra
SPECIAL: Kermie writes and illustrates mini zines for $2 each or 6 for $10 (FREE shipping & handling). Go to “Contact Kermie” and e-mail for further information.
The Titles Are:
The Nurses Stood Strong – COVID-19
Listening to Our Angels
What Would You Do if a Spaceship Landed in Your Back Yard
Fairy Patch
Our Day Off
Desert Rain
Writing Retreat
Mary Magdalene Ain’t No HO
I Know You Love Me
Jesus was a Nice Jewish Boy
5 Seconds of Silence
Pooing at the Walmart
Pocket Coloring Book
Welcome to Mt Lemmon
(Click and see Zines by Kermie Video)
Foreign Fan Reviews
“Hola Kermie!
Mi nombre es Christa. Es un placer conocerte … en un puesto. Espero que lo estás haciendo bien! Sé que su ocupado, así que solía considerar mucho de su tiempo. Siempre he estado fascinado con los ángeles en una edad temprana. Y encontró su libro interesante así que compré tu libro taller “Cómo hablar y realmente escucha a tu ángel de la guarda” ¡Me encantó! Me sentí como si tuviera que compartir algunos de mis resultados con usted.” – Christa
“Bonsoir Kermie Wohlenhaus,
Je vis en France, et je ai lu votre livre avec passion. Il ya quelques mois, je ai commencé à être curieux sur les anges et demandé à moi-même si ce était possible, je ai mon propre ange gardien. Je pense vraiment que mon ange me amènent à acheter ce livre et ce était à intéressant.
Merci de tous les biens que vous racontez dans votre livre, il m’a beaucoup aidé. Maintenant, je suis mieux qu’avant, je en suis sûr. Merci beaucoup!” – Milène